Firstly....I have some great news.....I was offered, and accepted a job in my LSS.....Scrapbooking to Di for. So even though I'm only working 2days a week, already I am finding it difficult to get all three kids (with lunches, reading and news) plus myself ready to go....But I am loving it !!!! To work in the Industry that has become so important to me is just wonderful !!! I have so many ideas, and there are so many things/techniques that I haven't even touched i am looking forward to doing all these things.....I just hope I still have time to continue my creating, because that is what I truly love to do....
This is another Twiddleybitz product, that was fun to make. The BOY truck...the flame is also twiddleybitz, as is the panther that pops out from the middle of the flame...Haven't done many Boy themed books (even though I have 2 boys) but I really enjoyed this I will definately be making more !!
I have also done the TWDLYBTZ Combi-van....and I LUV how it has turned out...But I just have a few finishing touches, and then I will post a few pictures...
Kids are home from I have things to do....